Alpha Strategy

Alpha's Precise
Market Navigation

Alpha pinpoints the optimal trading momnents for you and paves your way to high returns.



Designed with a Low-Risk / Mid-Return structure, this statistically based investment strategy excels in generating returns relative to risk.


Optimal Portfolio Adjustment

We continuously monitor macroeconomic factors and market volatility around the clock, performing strategic rebalancing tailored to distinct market phases.

Alpha Binance
Long/short strategy designed to actively seek alpha on Binance

Accm. Return*

Min. Invest Amount
1,000 USDT
Contract Period
90 Days

The performance is based on the actual operational returns of Alpha starting from July 11, 2023, and will be updated every Thursday. It does not guarantee future returns.

What is Alpha?


alpha binance

Long/short strategy designed to actively seek alpha on Binance

Current Return
-21.56% 1
Investor Profile
Balanced 2
Min. Invest Amount
1,000 USDT
Contract Period
90 Days
Performance Fee
30% of Profit
Early Termination Fee
15% of Profit

Product Metrics

Min. amount
Cost Efficiency
  • Current Return : The performance is based on the actual operational returns of Alpha starting from July 12, 2023, and will be updated every Thursday. It does not guarantee future returns.
  • Investor Profile : Investor who wants to seek a balance between stability and returns, willing to take moderate risks for higher gains.

Past Performances

Periodic Performance

Performance Table

AlphaBinance -4.15% -8.18% -10.16% -21.6% -21.56%

The performance is based on the actual operational returns of Alpha starting from July 11, 2023, and will be updated every Thursday. It does not guarantee future returns.


Isn't digital assets investing too risky?

Digital assets tend to have high risk in long-term investment due to their ambiguous intrinsic value and high volatility. However, you can manage the risk through technical investment based on quantitative analysis and automated algorithm trading. How you invest is more important than what you invest in.

How did HEYBIT come up with its investment strategy?

We researched numerous trading techniques with the characteristics which are suitable for the digital assets market from the papers and theories published in the past. Then, we applied them to market data to verify the core fundamentals and refined them in a way that avoids overfitting. Finally, we checked the safety(risk management) aspect of the strategy by actually reiterating the transactions to the level of sufficiency with our own internal account before providing it to the clients.

Can we trust the backtest results?

Values obtained from past data may not be accurately reproduced in the future. Because the market is constantly changing. Therefore, it is important to identify patterns rather than numbers and to continuously monitor the validity of the patterns. Our quant researchers and analysts are constantly monitoring the results of the trades and improving the algorithm.

Does HEYBIT guarantee profit?

No, there is no guarantee that HEYBIT's systems, indicators, or signals will result in profits or that they will not result in a full loss or losses. All investors are advised to fully understand all risks associated with any kind of investing they choose to do.

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